Welcome to the Patriots Run Project

We formed after the 2022 elections where we saw rampant election fraud where everyday Americans were sold out by corrupt politicians in both parties. The only way to save America for our children is to stand up as Patriots and begin holding politicians in both parties accountable. Will you stand and run with us? Will you save America?

We must stop the Uniparty of corporate, elitist politicians who are selling out America to the Anti-Christian Communist Left by protecting our elections and securing our borders.

What is the Uniparty & How are they harming America?

The Uniparty is the cabal of elites occupying powerful positions in both the Democrat and Republican Parties, who operate to serve globalist interests of their anti-American corporate interests rather than hard-working, traditional American families.

Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell might fight on TV, but in the dark halls of power, they work to send American jobs to China, to force us to take experimental vaccines, let Mexican drug cartels pour fentanyl into our streets, and then they turn their backs as our elections are stolen at every level.



The American elite were knocked off balance when the silent majority stood up and sent President Donald Trump to the White House. Rather than submit to the will of We The People, the elites rigged our elections, rejected our votes, and manipulated the count with faulty machines. Our Republic demands strong, secure elections.


We are watching our rights continually stripped away, and we will not stand by without action. We must hold every politician who would sell out our rights accountable. The Bill of Rights is designed to restrain our government, not our people. 


Nothing is more crucial than the right to life.

If politicians won’t protect the most innocent, they won’t protect any of us.


The Uniparty politicians stood by while our cities were burned to the ground in racist protests by communist BLM and ANTIFA.

They tied the hands of our police and left us to defend ourselves. No more. We will make sure our homes and property are protected.


All Americans have the birthright to make their own medical decisions when it comes to what will be injected into their own bodies. There is no greater liberty than the right to govern your own body, and we are here to support a revolution to ensure America is never subjected to the tyranny of medical bureaucrats again.

We Need You


America’s greatest strength has always been it’s bold and strong Patriots.

When freedom needed men and women to stand up, wherever the call came from, American Patriots answered and won.

Now our country needs us here. Learn more about our growing movement by reaching out.